Popular Spanish Children’s Songs: With Jose Luis Orozco

Popular Spanish Children’s Songs: With Jose Luis Orozco

Listening to Spanish music with children is one of the easiest ways to build Spanish learning into your day. You can have it on in the background, listen to it when you’re driving or practice singing along with it. Regardless of your child’s age, listening 

Human Body Resources and Activities in Spanish

Human Body Resources and Activities in Spanish

Learning body parts in Spanish is one of the easiest ways to help your child to start speaking Spanish today! Sometimes you don’t even realize how many times we refer to our own bodies each day, but body parts are often the first thing that 

Christmas Activities In Spanish

Christmas Activities In Spanish

Learning Spanish through themes is one of the best ways to make language learning concrete and what better theme that the Christmas holiday season! With Christmas activities for kids in Spanish, you can build Spanish language time into your day. Christmas is a holiday that 

Spanish Songs For Teens

Spanish Songs For Teens

My daughter and I have been learning Spanish together for about 5 years now, and Spanish songs are still one of our favorite ways to get Spanish language practice in. I’m always working on a new playlist for our car rides or that we can 

Wonderful Nursery Rhymes That Will Make Your Baby Bilingual

Wonderful Nursery Rhymes That Will Make Your Baby Bilingual

Nursery rhymes are a great way to enjoy time with your child and they’re also a great way to work on building language skills. Nursery rhymes are an important step in language development for kids. When children listen to nursery rhymes, they are building so 

10 Spanish Songs That Will Excite Your Kids!

10 Spanish Songs That Will Excite Your Kids!

Are you looking for new ways to learn Spanish with your child? There are so many methods that you can use, but listening to songs in Spanish is a fun and effective way to get more Spanish language time into your day! My daughter and 

Authentic Spanish Songs That Are Teen Approved

Authentic Spanish Songs That Are Teen Approved

Listening to music in Spanish is a great way to sneak more Spanish into your day! While listening to music in Spanish is a passive form of learning, there are so many benefits to it. When you listen you can improve your Spanish listening skills, 

3 Charming Nursery Rhymes To Boost Your Baby’s Spanish

3 Charming Nursery Rhymes To Boost Your Baby’s Spanish

I’ve already talked about the importance of nursery rhymes in language development for children- but nursery rhymes are so important and such a great way to boost language and literacy, that I’m coming at you with another post! The last post about nursery rhymes included