Tag: Spanish reading

Top Middle Grade Graphic Novels in Spanish

Top Middle Grade Graphic Novels in Spanish

Our family really enjoys reading graphic novels in Spanish. They’re fun, engaging and generally a lot easier to finish than a traditional chapter book. Learning a new language can be easier and more engaging when you use resources that are fun! Reading Spanish graphic novels 

The Best Interactive Books For Kids – In Spanish

The Best Interactive Books For Kids – In Spanish

Make your Spanish storytime interesting and interactive with these great books ideas! Why interactive books? Interactive books in Spanish are perfect for language learning because they are super engaging and they require some sort of participation from the reader. In this article we’ll talk about 

Spanish Activity – Write The Room

Spanish Activity – Write The Room

Write the room is a great Spanish reading game that engages kids in a variety of ways. It engages kids visually and kinesthetically as they are actively moving around and searching for printed words. Why Write the Room? I build this game for my daughter 

Spanish Literacy Activities With Harry Potter

Spanish Literacy Activities With Harry Potter

I grew up with the Harry Potter series and it’s just one of my favorite book series to go back and reread. I couldn’t wait to share this series with my daughter when she was old enough! This summer I decided that I’d start and 

Fun Labeling Activities To Practice Spanish Reading With Kids

Fun Labeling Activities To Practice Spanish Reading With Kids

After my daughter started her Montessori preschool at the age of the three, she decided that she wanted to learn how to read. Her classroom was mixed ages 3-6 and she saw children curled up in a comfy chair in their reading nook and she