Black History Month For Bilingual Kids

Black History Month For Bilingual Kids

February is Black History Month in the United States and it’s a time when many schools highlight the contributions of African Americans to American history. In order to keep up with my daughter’s Spanish language skills, I started a collection of books that highlight some 

Popular Spanish Children’s Songs: With Jose Luis Orozco

Popular Spanish Children’s Songs: With Jose Luis Orozco

Listening to Spanish music with children is one of the easiest ways to build Spanish learning into your day. You can have it on in the background, listen to it when you’re driving or practice singing along with it. Regardless of your child’s age, listening 

Microscope Activities For Elementary Kids

Microscope Activities For Elementary Kids

My daughter has been increasingly interested in science and is often asking about germs (also maybe because we’re in a pandemic!!) In any case, we’ve had many conversations about germs, how they’re small and hard to see but that they’re still there. Since she’s been 

Reading To Improve: Beginner Graphic Novels

Reading To Improve: Beginner Graphic Novels

When my daughter was almost three, we started reading beginning graphic novels in Spanish. Graphic novels are great for language learning for a variety of reasons and I was happy to find several good ones when I was looking for books for us to read 

What I Used To Teach My Daughter To Read In Spanish

What I Used To Teach My Daughter To Read In Spanish

When my daughter was three years old she told me that she wanted to learn how to read. She attended a Montessori preschool where the age range was 3-6 years old and she saw that older peers were starting to read books. I wondered if 

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Motivation for Bilingual Parenting When You Need It

Motivation for Bilingual Parenting When You Need It

Raising a child to be bilingual can be challenging, especially if you’re a non-native speaker. Even though you know how to teach your child another language and even though you have the resources, making that conscious commitment can be hard. For me, there are days 

How To Use Choice Boards To Mainstream Your Spanish

How To Use Choice Boards To Mainstream Your Spanish

Are you at home during the COVID-19 crisis?? Most families are staying safe at home while social distancing due to the current pandemic. Working full time, parenting and teaching your kiddos at home can be overwhelming to say the least. And yet most parents right 

How To Raise A Bilingual Child [as a non-native speaker]

How To Raise A Bilingual Child [as a non-native speaker]

After trying to raise my daughter bilingual in Spanish and English, I decided I needed to find more resources to support her Spanish language development. I went online and began reading all of the articles that I could find. But so many of the things