Language Learning Guides

You’re learning Spanish at home – Genial!

Learning Spanish at home with your child will take you on an amazing journey! If you’re just getting started with Spanish yourself, or are looking for Spanish activities for your child you’ll find some great resources here.

Quick Start Guides

If you’re a non-native speaker or don’t know much Spanish, you will want to start using Spanish words as soon as possible. I created some “Quick Start Guides” with phrases, questions and answers that are already conjugated. Click the guides to read the blog post that goes with them!

Inside: This is a beginner guide to color words in Spanish. It includes common color words and phrases in Spanish as well as Spanish color songs, books and activities!
Inside: Check out our comprehensive guide to words and weather phrases in Spanish! There are also links to Spanish weather books, songs and activities to do.

Activity Boards

Activity boards are a quick and easy way to get your kids speaking Spanish today! Use these activities in and around the house to instantly start speaking Spanish. Click on the board to read the blog post that goes with it.


Want some answers fast? Take a look at these infographic guides that cover different topics to support language learning. Click on the infographic to read the blog post that goes with it.

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