Mother’s Day Activities In Spanish

Happy Mother’s Day – Feliz Dia de la Madre!
Mother’s Day is celebrated all around the world in many different ways and on different days. In the United States (as well as many other Spanish speaking countries), Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. In Spain, however, it is celebrated on the first Sunday in May.
If you’re looking to celebrate Mother’s Day in Spanish, look no further! In this article I’ll share some Spanish words and phrases that will help you talk about Mother’s Day in Spanish, Spanish books that celebrate mothers, Mother’s Day video clips in Spanish and extra activities and resources if you’re looking for more.
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Important Spanish Vocabulary For Mother’s Day
There are a lot of words used to talk about Mother’s Day in Spanish. Each country can have it’s own variation of many of these terms as well. Here is a basic list to get you started talking about Mother’s Day in Spanish.
Eventually you’ll want to add more targeted words depending on what you want to describe and what your family uses. This list can get you started with saying some basic things!
Dia de la Madre (Mother’s Day)
Feliz Dia de la Madre (Happy Mother’s Day)
Madre (mother)
Padre (father)
Hijo (son)
Hija (daughter)
Domingo (Sunday)
Mayo (May)
el segundo domingo de mayo (the second Sunday in May)
regalos (gifts)
las flores (the flowers)
una rosa (a rose)
el chocolate (the chocolate)
la cena (the dinner)
el desayuno en la cama (breakfast in bed)
una carta (a card)
para mi Mami (for my Mami)
Te quiero Mama (I love you Mama)
Te quiero con todo mi corazón (I love you with all my heart)
besos y abrazos (hugs and kisses)
Gracias por todo! (thanks for everything!)

Mother’s Day Activities For Kids
Mother’s Day Printables in Spanish
There are so many fun ways for kids to celebrate mothers on Mother’s Day! Here are a few free printables that you can use:

These first two activities are perfect for younger kiddos. The first page is a coloring page with the words, “Feliz Dia de la Madre” (Happy Mother’s Day) – perfect for younger kiddos to gift to the mothers in their life!
The second page is set up like a card with the first line saying “Querida Mama” (Dear Mama) and ending with “Besos, ___” (kisses, ___). In the center is a flower with the words “Gracias por” (Thank you for) in the middle. Kids can write or dictate things about their mother that they are thankful for in each petal of the flower.

The other pages require a bit more writing, so may be better suited for older kiddos. The third page shows a blank photo space where kids can draw or glue on a photograph. The space is labeled, “Mama y yo” (Mom and I). At the bottom of the page it says, “Mi mama es” (My mom is) and there are lines where kiddos can write positive statements about their mothers.
The final page has the title,”Yo amo a mi mama porque” (I love my mom because) and has lines where kiddos can write all of the things that they love about their mother.
SUBSCRIBE HERE to get all of these free Mother’s Day printables, plus access to all my subscriber-only free printables!
Mother’s Day Videos in Spanish
Here are a few YouTube videos in Spanish that can be fun for your family to watch this Mother’s Day.
This is a quick video that talks about the origins of Mother’s Day in Spain and how it’s celebrated there. It’s a nice informational video to learn more about Mother’s Day traditions in other countries and to practice Spanish with older kids.
My daughter has enjoyed Peppa Pig and this is a cute episode about Peppa celebrating Mother’s Day with her family. It’s perfect for younger kids who are wondering how to celebrate and appreciate their mothers on this day.
This is a quick and funny Disney episode (5 mins) that shows Mother’s Day with a single mother and her teenage daughter. It’s a good episode to use with older kids or in a Spanish class.
Mother’s Day Books in Spanish
Reading books in Spanish is a great way to connect with the language and with each other! Here are some great Spanish books for kids to read with their mother’s on Mother’s Day to get some quality time in together!
Here are several Spanish books for Mother’s Day that we have and love:
If you’re looking for a fun gift for Mom on Mother’s Day that isn’t a kid’s book to read as a family, check out this great article here!

More Websites with Spanish Resources for Mother’s Day
When you’re working with a theme, you’ll want to be able to access a variety of resources. Here are some other websites that have good Mother’s Day resources and activities in Spanish.
Spanish Playground – This article has a ton of great resources in Spanish for celebrating Mother’s Day! My favorite it the printable list of phrases to write in a Mother’s Day card that you can download for free.
Bilingual Beginnings – This is a great resources for downloading activities for toddlers and preschoolers for Mother’s Day. Our favorite is the page where your kiddo writes or dictates all that they know about their Moms!
Feliz Dia de la Madre!
I hope that this is a helpful resource for you as you celebrate and honor the women in your family this Mother’s Day!
Happy Learning!
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