Human Body Resources and Activities in Spanish

Learning body parts in Spanish is one of the easiest ways to help your child to start speaking Spanish today! Sometimes you don’t even realize how many times we refer to our own bodies each day, but body parts are often the first thing that children learn to talk about and we refer to them constantly throughout the day.
In this article we’ll go through the basic Spanish words and phrases used to talk about our bodies. Then I’ll share several Spanish resources and activities including Spanish songs about the body, books in Spanish about the human body and free Spanish printables!
I hope these activities and Spanish resources can help you to improve your Spanish and work with your child on Spanish at home!
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Table of Contents
Human Body Words and Phrases
There are a lot of words used to talk about the human body in Spanish. Each country has it’s own variation of many of these terms as well.
Here is a basic list to get you started talking about the human body in Spanish. Most of these vocabulary words are about the outside of the body and don’t include more specialized terms for organs and such that are inside the body.
Eventually you’ll want to add more targeted words depending on what you want to describe and what your family used. This list can get you started with describing basic things!
el cuerpo humano (the human body)
el cuerpo (the body)
la cabeza (the head)
los ojos (the eyes)
las orejas (the ears)
la boca (the mouth)
la nariz (the nose)
el cerebro (the brain)
el pelo (the hair)
las cejas (the eyebrows)
el torso (the torso)
los brazos (the arms)
las manos (the hands)
los dedos (the fingers)
los hombros (the shoulders)
el pecho (the chest)
la barriga/la panza (the belly)
la espalda (the back)
las caderas (the hips)
las piernas (the legs)
las rodillas (the knees)
los tobillos (the ankles)
los pies (the feet)
los dedos de pie (the toes)
Human Body Activity for Kids
Create Your Own Monster
‘Crea Tu Proprio Monstruo” is the perfect way to practice labeling body parts in Spanish. This free printable has two pages of fun and interactive activities and a few variations for how to play!

The first way to play is by giving your kiddo the first printable that is already filled in.
There is a blank drawing space and instructions below for what they need to include in their monster. For example, in the direction box at the bottom is calls for “6 manos”, so their monster needs to include 6 hands.
Another way you can play is by giving your child the blank version.
In this variation, they create their own monster and then record how many of each body part it has by filling in the blank spaces below the drawing.
You could also give your kiddo new challenges by writing in your own instructions on the blank version. The opportunities are endless!
SUBSCRIBE HERE to get “Crea Tu Proprio Monstruo” plus access to all my subscriber-only free printables!
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Spanish Videos About the Human Body
There are a lot of Spanish songs about the human body! I’m going to share a few of the videos that worked for my family and what we were working on.
El Cuerpo Humano con Traposo
This video is a great introduction for basic body parts. I used videos and material like this for my daughter when she was a toddler and was learning to talk about her body by labeling herself.
This video is made by which is a site that we use frequently as a reference for native Spanish material for kids.
Las partes del cuerpo humano
This video is also good foundation for talking about the human body and is geared toward elementary aged children as opposed to toddlers. The vocabulary is a little more advanced and it includes descriptions about how the different parts of the body connect and work together.
Los sistemas del cuerpo humano para ninos
As your child gets older, they may want to learn more about the human body and how it works. My daughter became interested in bones and muscles after seeing an exhibit at our local science center.
This video is slow and easy to understand. It gives a brief overview of different bodily systems and has good labels to give the Spanish vocabulary.
Websites With Human Body Resources In Spanish
When you’re working with a theme, you’ll want to be able to access a variety of resources. Here are some other websites that have good human body resources and activities in Spanish.
SpanishMama: Body Parts in Spanish – This site has some good ideas for body part activities that you could do in a school setting or at home that really focus on building vocabulary.
Spanish Playground: Spanish Body Parts Activities – This site has a nice mix of songs, videos and games that you can play to learn Spanish body parts. It’s geared toward a younger, preschool age audience.
BrainPop Espanol – I love this site and the great educational content that it has. While it is a paid site, there are some free videos, including one on the systems of the body called, “Sistemas Corporales”. If you want to access the paid content, contact your local school or library and see if they have a subscription that can give you access.

Human Body Books in Spanish
Reading books in Spanish is a great way to connect with the language and learn more targeted vocabulary. When learning about the human body, I recommend some of these great Spanish books that we started out with.
When my daughter was young, I found board books that focused on a few key body parts and terms so that she could talk about her body. As she got older and started to be more curious about how her body worked, we bought more in depth books with more mature themes and diagrams.
Here are several of the human body books that we have in Spanish:
This was my daughter’s first Spanish body parts book! It’s a cute board book that features all photographs of real babies/toddlers, which my daughter really liked.
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Learning about body parts in Spanish is a great way for you and your child to start talking in Spanish right now! We talk about our bodies all the time, everyday. I hope this page is helpful for you on your Spanish learning journey.
Happy Learning!
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