Valentine’s Day In Spanish – Activities For Kids

Last Updated on January 23, 2025 by Reina Victoria
Celebrating Valentine’s Day in Spanish is a great way to build interest and engagement with your kids! Each year my daughter and I read Valentine’s Day books in Spanish, listen to Spanish love songs and do Valentine’s Day activities in Spanish.
In this article we’ll go through the basic Spanish words and phrases used to talk about Valentine’s Day and then I’ll share several Spanish resources and activities that can support further work with Valentine’s Day in Spanish.
Feliz Dia de San Valentin! Enjoy these Valentine’s Day activities with your kiddos and keep learning Spanish!
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Valentine’s Day Words and Phrases
Each country has it’s own variation of how to celebrate Valentine’s Day and the vocabulary and phrases differ slightly by area. Here are some of the more common ways to talk about Valentine’s Day in Spanish.
Eventually you’ll want to add more targeted words depending on what you want to describe and what your family celebrates. This list can get you started with describing basic things!
Dia de San Valentín (Valentine’s Day)
Feliz día de San Valentín! (Happy Valentine’s Day!)
El catorce de febrero (February 14th)
El amor (love)
Un admirador (an admirer)
Un beso (a Kiss)
Te amo (I love you)
La amistad (friendship)
La familia (family)
Acurrucar (to cuddle)
Un abrazo (a hug)
Te quiero (I love you)
Una tarjeta de San Valentín (a valentine/ Valentine’s Day card)
Cupido (Cupid)
El chocolate (chocolate)
Las rosas (roses)
Valentine’s Day Activities for Kids
¿Que llena tu corazón de alegría?
Each year we read the book, “Mi Corazon Se Llena de Alegria” by Monique Gray Smith. At the end of the book the author prompts the reader to think about what fills their heart, “Que llena tu corazon de alegria?”
One of our favorite Valentine’s Day activities is to make a list of all of the things that fill our hearts with happiness. Sometimes we just talk about it or write it on a list. Other times we write our ideas on paper hearts and put them around the house to remind ourselves of what fills us with love and happiness at this time of year!
Spanish Valentine’s Day videos
While we don’t watch a lot of TV in our home, everytime we watch something we make sure to switch the audio to Spanish. Media in Spanish is a great way to get some more passive language learning in and it’s fun to relax and watch a show every once in a while!
Here are a few kids shows that have Spanish audio and a Valentine’s Day theme.
1. Peppa – El Dia de San Valentin
Like all episodes of Peppa Pig it’s short and mild. Peppa makes Valentine’s Day cards at school.
2. Pocoyo en Espanol – Feliz Dia de San Valentin
Pocoyo is another great show for younger audiences that has easily accessible Spanish content.
3. Caillou y La Tarjeta de San Valentin
Another good Valentine’s Day episode for younger audiences with a short and mild theme.
Valentine’s Day Quotes and Poems
Valentine’s Day is a wonderful time to talk about Spanish poetry and quotes with children. We often use Spanish love quotes to put on our Valentine’s Day cards or household decorations.
Here are a few of our favorite Spanish quotes and poems that talk about love and friendship.

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Spanish Songs for Valentine’s Day
Basically any love song is a great song for Valentine’s Day – and there are lots of Spanish love songs! Here are a few of our favorite Valentine’s Day songs that are great for the whole family.
Amor en el Aire – Jorge Blanco
Magia – Alvaro Soler
Me Gusta un Chico – David Rees
Bachata – Bachata music originates from the Dominican Republic. While it has a long history, many great songs in this genre have a love ballad/romantic feel. Here are a few of our favorite songs.
Corazón Sin Cara – Prince Royce
Darte Un Beso – Prince Royce
Disney also has tons of great music with a friendship/familiar love theme. Here are some of our favorite Disney songs in Spanish!
La Puerta es el Amor – Frozen
Un Mundo Ideal – Aladdin
Recuérdame – Coco

Websites with Spanish Valentine’s Day Resources
When you’re working with a theme, you’ll want to be able to access a variety of resources. Here are some other websites that have good Valentine’s Day resources and activities in Spanish.
Spanish Mama: Valentine’s Day in Spanish Class – Check out these ideas for grade specific Valentine’s Day activities to use in class or in a school setting.
Rockalingua: 5 Valentine’s Day Activities – These are some great, ready to go activities that you can use for Valentine’s Day in school or at home.
Bilingual Beginnings: Valentine’s Day Printables in Spanish – These are great Valentine’s Day resources geared towards preschool and younger kids.
San Valentin para ninos: ideas, actividades y manualidades – This is a great website that is entirely in Spanish and has several ideas and parenting resources around Valentine’s Day.

Valentine’s Day Books in Spanish
Reading books with a Valentine’s Day theme is fun for kids and helps them explore different aspects of Valentine’s Day. We have several Valentine’s Day books in Spanish or books about love and friendship that we save for this time of year. Here are some of our favorites!
These books are great for talking about the love that parents and children feel for each other.
This was the first Spanish book that I ever bought for my daughter! A classic story of family love.
Bear and Bunny share all the times that they love each other – even when they’re mad! Cute story with rhyming pages.
Another classic about a mother’s love for her son that he then passes on to his own daughter.
This story has really simple text but a deep message: that the mother and son will always love each other, even as they transition to different stages in their lives.
We like that this story talks about all different ways that we can feel love and happiness.
A father and daughter get ready for bed, but Daddy can’t leave the room without a goodnight kiss!
These are some of our other favorite Valentine’s Day stories to read! These mostly deal directly with the holiday or with love between friends.
My daughter loves “hombre mosca” and this is a funny story of how he meets his match.
Such a wonderful book about Monster who goes looking for love and finds it where he least expects it.
See how one kid prepares for Valentine’s Day with his family and friends.
There are so many ways to incorporate Spanish learning into your Valentine’s Day! Start small and keep practicing your Spanish with these simple starts.
Happy Learning!
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