How To Improve Your Language Skills With This Interesting Experiment!

Last Updated on June 18, 2020 by Reina Victoria
What’s one great way to learn a new language?
To listen to it!
When it comes to learning a new language, it’s important to hear it spoken. Listening to the target language helps you develop an ear for the natural cadence of the language and it will help to practice picking out words that you know.
An even faster way to build your skill in the target language is to read and listen to the language at the same time.
When you listen to a new language and follow along with the words that you hear you’re increasing your capacity for remembering the meaning of the words and learning the pronunciation of words that you see in prin
Reading and listening at the same time is also proven to help you internalize new words faster and learn new vocabulary at a faster rate than just reading alone.
One resource that you can use for this is books with CDs. I love these Disney books with CDs and they’ve helped my Spanish pronunciation a lot! You can read about them here:
4 Secrets To Learning A Language With Audiobooks
Another online resources that has some great free Spanish books is Epic! They have a collection of audiobooks, read-to-me books and regular books online where you can practice your literacy skills. You can check out my post about them here:
How To Use These Epic Online Spanish Books For Beginners
Today I want to talk to you about another resource that I’ve used to practice my Spanish-
“The Spanish Experiment”
Their actual website includes so many resources that you can use, including beginner Spanish lessons and helpful tips on learning a new language- You can check our their website here.

For me, the most valuable resource is their section called, “Spanish Stories”.
What I like about it:
This section includes several stories that are written in Spanish and broken into short paragraphs. You can listen to the entire tale at once, or paragraph by paragraph. In between various paragraphs are simple images to aid in your understanding of the story.

The majority of the stories are familiar folktales or fairytales that have been retold with modern Spanish. The humor and modern tone makes them a perfect resource for teens and adults who would appreciate the familiarity of the tale to aid in their comprehension of the story.
When I use “The Spanish Experiment” we’re usually in the car driving somewhere. Their stories are a good length and are highly engaging for my daughter so they hold her interest on a car trip.
It’s also a great way for my daughter to hear native fluent Spanish since I’m still learning and am a non-native speaker. Hearing other voices and tones is important to aid in her listening comprehension and her Spanish listening skills in general.

If you’re just looking for a listening resource, you can plug these in while your in the car or going for a run and listen to the audio versions of them. If you’re using them as a read along resource, they’re great to pull up on your phone or tablet, where you can see the words and pictures as well.
Our family favorite is, “Los Tres Cerditos”!
Check them out and share your favorite one in the comments!
Happy Learning!
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